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ring road 環形道路;環城公路。

ring side

2 suburbanization emerged in the residential units . the supply of retail and office units between 2nd ring road and 3rd ring road were the most 2商品住宅新增供應呈現明顯的郊區化趨勢,二至三環商業和寫字樓新增供應最多。

Around ring road east and huaqiao new village , it is one of the typical cbd , and dozens of bars crowd here 環市東路及華僑新村一帶是廣州典型的高級國際商務區之一,數十家酒吧在這一帶形成了一個丁字形的繁華夜場區域。

A lot of changes took place recently . everywhere are high buildings and the streets are so clean . what more , the sixth ring road are completed 近來發生了很大的變化,到處是高樓大廈和干凈的街道,而且還有了六環路。

Last week , construction of the remaining 4 kilometers of ring road no . 8 kanpachi dori was completed , opening the entire stretch of road to traffic 上周, 8號環線剩余的4公里竣工,使得整條路段得以全線通車。

In the city proper , there are 180 flyovers , and the second ring road and the third ring road have been built into non - stop highways 市內立支橋180座,二環路和三環路已建成全線無紅綠燈的快速路。

Ring road no . 8 was the first ring road to be completed in 21 years since the completion of ring road no . 7 kannana dori in 1985 8號環線是自1985年7號環線完成以來間隔了21年后竣工的第一條環路。

The initiative that should be given top priority would be building up the network of ring roads encompassing the entire greater tokyo area 第一步要優先建立起網羅整個首都圈的環狀道路網絡。

Job fetching and delivering free of charges within ring road iv , providing hardcopies produced on a laser printer , floppy disks or cds 免費四環內取送免費提供激光列印稿軟碟或光碟一份。

So the high - temperature region distributes approximately as a ring shape along highway belt near the 2nd and 3rd ring roads 熱島演變與近幾年城市建設和改造活動密切相關。

The accident on the inner ring road is still under investigation , with five passengers dead and seven injured 發生在內環路上的車禍有5人死亡, 7人受傷,事件還在調查中。

We are located on guang hua lu , between the second and third ring roads , just to the west of dong da qiao lu 我們的具體地點在光華路,位于二、三環之間,東大橋路以西。

B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if you take a taxi or drive , go north round the third ring road . follow the signs 如果你乘出租車或者自己開車,向北繞三環走。按照路牌的指示走就可以。

I heard that along the fourth ring road 12 . 5 million trees and over i million acres of grass will be planted 我聽說沿四環路將種上1 , 2億棵樹和1百萬畝面積的草。

Yesterday i saw him belting through the fourth ring road without any thought to the other motorists . 昨天我看到他在四環路上飛駛,全然不顧路上的其他車輛。

Some 12 . 5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the fourth ring road 四環路沿線將會種上一千二百五十萬棵樹和一百萬畝綠草。

B : if you take a taxi or drive , go north round the third ring road . follow the signs 如果你乘出租車或者自己開車,向北繞三環走。按照路牌的指示走就可以。

B : if you take a taxi or drive , go north round the third ring road . follow the sig 如果你乘出租車或者自己開車,向北繞三環走。按照路牌的指示走就可以。

A typical demonstration of environment comprehensive improvement outline about environmental renovating west 2nd ring road 北京西二環路環境整治工程記略

If you take a taxi or drive , go north round the third ring road . follow the signs 如果你乘出租車或者自己開車,向北繞三環走。按照路牌的指示走就可以。